Health Habits

Poor health habits provide fertile soil for the seed of pain to flourish

Are you part problem or are you going to be part solution ?

  1. I'm angry at drunk hit me, fires up emotional brain, fires up anxiety
  2. Will your regular anxiety be easy to manage with burden of anger
  3. Using every anti-anxiety tool known man, I still struggling w/ anxiety
  4. Having uncontrolled anger, I do not know how you control anxiety
  5. If you do not control anxiety, you do not control your pain
  6. "All" health habits are needed to control anxiety

Cost Poor Health Habits

Prove it to yourself: get detailed chronic pain exam at RFPC, look at each line care, add up each line of pills-shots-treatments-surgeries, at consult look at cost of chewing system orthopedic team, and see if it is not 1/10 cost of poor health repair. Now for good news, investing in your health as part orthopedic team, you will receive years of health and happiness and bonus is pain is managed.

You have been depending on medicine to fix you. Well if you call fixed taking 10 to 15 drugs to get through day, I do not have same definition of health. Start depending on the great health machine you are and milk your body and mind for all healing it can provide. Chronic pain is so hard to treat that if you don't provide your healing ability you will be disappointed in results of chewing system orthopedics.


  1. Health Habits hold YOUR Key To HEALING Ability.
  2. Who told you, "you can't" improve your health?
  3. Blaming "your" poor health habits on: mom, kids, government, insurance, drunk, boss,
  4. Take control poor health habits and
  5. Don't let others influence passion for health
  6. Listen to your body and make a plan to be healthy.
  7. Healing ability is critical for pain management
  8. Patient is part team & they are responsible for passion

Expectations: I going to see if I get better with just orthotic ?

  1. Chronic pain tools to work w/ your body healing ability
  2. Improve your health habits & improve your healing
  3. Best tools have poor results w/ Poor Health Habits
  4. Your poor sleep produces little growth hormone
  5. No cardio, no burn up adrenalin, difficult sleep onset
  6. No Biofeedback, no anxiety reduction, little pain reduction
  7. Repetitive joint-muscle-nerve trauma w/ poorly healing causes pain

Health Habits:

  1. Exercise
  2. Sleep
  3. Negative thinking
  4. Nutrition

Patient is part team:

  1. Health habits are the patient responsibility
  2. If you expect pain tools to work, change “your” poor health habits
  3. Your pain will not go away, until you are will do something yourself
  4. Change your attitude and change your pain
  5. It’s  your pain, play your part, be part team
  6. Until change health habits, your pain is remain or return
  7. Blaming medicine does not improve “your” healing abilities
  8. How to make your pain permanent ?
  9. stay angry: Are you part of problem (anger) or you part of solution (change health habits)

Health Habits (HH):

  1. Pain has your number if you have poor health habits
  2. Tools do not provide the pain relief you want w/o working on ability heal
  3. Improving your health & pain is win/win situation
  4. You get HH under control and you are healthy and happier
  5. When do I see results changing HH? Months, years.
  6. Changing Health Habits is a progressive task
  7. If you are not progressing, you are regressing
  8. Poor health habits takes years to destroy; so, don't be inpatient
  9. This is 1st day of rest of your life

Quick fix:

  1. Order all pills & shots, if you want waste your money & still have pain
  2. Caring doctor do not perform miracles, only God can do that
  3. A doctor cannot do for patient, what a patient will not do for themselves
  4. You will waste 10 times more money on quick fixes than changing health habits
  5. There is no down side to improve health habits, quick fixes have side effects
  6. Beauty of change: it is never too late, keep hope alive

Negative thinking loops

  1. Important area change
  2. Hidden area anxiety control
  3. Thing of this brain exercise (change negative to positive)
  4. This is responsibility psychology
  5. Negativity is choice
  6. Maybe negativity is preprogramming from our past, but we can control future
  7. Which health habit needs my attention ? How negative are you ?
  8. Rebuilding healing ability is slow process, it takes months to offset years of poor health
  9. 70-80 years old ladies, took control of HH are living happier and healthier lives


  1. Cardiovascular conditioning is strengthen heart & lungs
  2. Better supply system the better health
  3. Burns up excessive stress molecule -Adrenalin
  4. Tones muscles for better function & resilience (if used in cardio)
  5. Healthy way to dissipate anger, irritability, and negativity
  6. Discover cardio's ability manage anxiety


  1. Garbage in garbage out
  2. Our high carb diet is killing us, especially joint pain
  3. Chemical sensitivities is newly discovered area inflammation
  4. Fat is storage cell for energy and bad chemicals
  5. Fast foods is a pusher for carbs
  6. Stop your carbs for week & see joint pain disappear/dissipate
  7. Maintain diet that got you in pain, see your success
  8. There is no doctor who can cure chronic pain, the patient has to help


  1. A time to heal, so how good do you want tools chronic pain work
  2. Maintain poor sleep that got you into pain and pain will remain
  3. Sleep quality is main area focus, but sleep breathing is critical
  4. Watch horror movie or have a heated discussion, see sleep quality decline
  5. Caffeine or sugar surge at bedtime excellent way damage sleep quality
  6. My favorite, expecting quality sleep with a loud snoring spouse or snoring yourslef
  7. Snoring strong hint of small air pipe at night
  8. Cardio conditioning is best sleep quality tool, but has delayed effect

Poor health habits provide fertile soil for the seed of pain to flourish

Are you part problem or are you going to be part solution ?

  1. I'm angry at drunk hit me, fires up emotional brain, fires up anxiety
  2. Will your regular anxiety be easy to manage with burden of anger
  3. Using every anti-anxiety tool known man, I still struggling w/ anxiety
  4. Having uncontrolled anger, I do not know how you control anxiety
  5. If you do not control anxiety, you do not control your pain
  6. "All" health habits are needed to control anxiety

Cost Poor Health Habits

Prove it to yourself: get detailed chronic pain exam at RFPC, look at each line care, add up each line of pills-shots-treatments-surgeries, at consult look at cost of chewing system orthopedic team, and see if it is not 1/10 cost of poor health repair. Now for good news, investing in your health as part orthopedic team, you will receive years of health and happiness and bonus is pain is managed.

You have been depending on medicine to fix you. Well if you call fixed taking 10 to 15 drugs to get through day, I do not have same definition of health. Start depending on the great health machine you are and milk your body and mind for all healing it can provide. Chronic pain is so hard to treat that if you don't provide your healing ability you will be disappointed in results of chewing system orthopedics.


  1. Health Habits hold YOUR Key To HEALING Ability.
  2. Who told you, "you can't" improve your health?
  3. Blaming "your" poor health habits on: mom, kids, government, insurance, drunk, boss,
  4. Take control poor health habits and
  5. Don't let others influence passion for health
  6. Listen to your body and make a plan to be healthy.
  7. Healing ability is critical for pain management
  8. Patient is part team & they are responsible for passion

Expectations: I going to see if I get better with just orthotic ?

  1. Chronic pain tools to work w/ your body healing ability
  2. Improve your health habits & improve your healing
  3. Best tools have poor results w/ Poor Health Habits
  4. Your poor sleep produces little growth hormone
  5. No cardio, no burn up adrenalin, difficult sleep onset
  6. No Biofeedback, no anxiety reduction, little pain reduction
  7. Repetitive joint-muscle-nerve trauma w/ poorly healing causes pain

Health Habits:

  1. Exercise
  2. Sleep
  3. Negative thinking
  4. Nutrition

Patient is part team:

  1. Health habits are the patient responsibility
  2. If you expect pain tools to work, change “your” poor health habits
  3. Your pain will not go away, until you are will do something yourself
  4. Change your attitude and change your pain
  5. It’s  your pain, play your part, be part team
  6. Until change health habits, your pain is remain or return
  7. Blaming medicine does not improve “your” healing abilities
  8. How to make your pain permanent ?
  9. stay angry: Are you part of problem (anger) or you part of solution (change health habits)

Health Habits (HH):

  1. Pain has your number if you have poor health habits
  2. Tools do not provide the pain relief you want w/o working on ability heal
  3. Improving your health & pain is win/win situation
  4. You get HH under control and you are healthy and happier
  5. When do I see results changing HH? Months, years.
  6. Changing Health Habits is a progressive task
  7. If you are not progressing, you are regressing
  8. Poor health habits takes years to destroy; so, don't be inpatient
  9. This is 1st day of rest of your life

Quick fix:

  1. Order all pills & shots, if you want waste your money & still have pain
  2. Caring doctor do not perform miracles, only God can do that
  3. A doctor cannot do for patient, what a patient will not do for themselves
  4. You will waste 10 times more money on quick fixes than changing health habits
  5. There is no down side to improve health habits, quick fixes have side effects
  6. Beauty of change: it is never too late, keep hope alive

Negative thinking loops

  1. Important area change
  2. Hidden area anxiety control
  3. Thing of this brain exercise (change negative to positive)
  4. This is responsibility psychology
  5. Negativity is choice
  6. Maybe negativity is preprogramming from our past, but we can control future
  7. Which health habit needs my attention ? How negative are you ?
  8. Rebuilding healing ability is slow process, it takes months to offset years of poor health
  9. 70-80 years old ladies, took control of HH are living happier and healthier lives


  1. Cardiovascular conditioning is strengthen heart & lungs
  2. Better supply system the better health
  3. Burns up excessive stress molecule -Adrenalin
  4. Tones muscles for better function & resilience (if used in cardio)
  5. Healthy way to dissipate anger, irritability, and negativity
  6. Discover cardio's ability manage anxiety


  1. Garbage in garbage out
  2. Our high carb diet is killing us, especially joint pain
  3. Chemical sensitivities is newly discovered area inflammation
  4. Fat is storage cell for energy and bad chemicals
  5. Fast foods is a pusher for carbs
  6. Stop your carbs for week & see joint pain disappear/dissipate
  7. Maintain diet that got you in pain, see your success
  8. There is no doctor who can cure chronic pain, the patient has to help


  1. A time to heal, so how good do you want tools chronic pain work
  2. Maintain poor sleep that got you into pain and pain will remain
  3. Sleep quality is main area focus, but sleep breathing is critical
  4. Watch horror movie or have a heated discussion, see sleep quality decline
  5. Caffeine or sugar surge at bedtime excellent way damage sleep quality
  6. My favorite, expecting quality sleep with a loud snoring spouse or snoring yourslef
  7. Snoring strong hint of small air pipe at night
  8. Cardio conditioning is best sleep quality tool, but has delayed effect

Health Habits Navigation

Pearls of Pain

Restricted opening

  1. Inability to open 1 finger
  2. Indicates moderate severe damage to jaw joint
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