
Biofeedback reduces Tension Muscles overloading joints producing inflammation in muscle, ligament, disc, & joint

Anxiety is gasoline on fire of pain

Does not cause pain, increases pain

Getting out chronic pain requires treating causes pain & managing anxiety w/ new tools

Anxiety can even makes us sensitivity to the words doctors use to describe stress & anxiety. In the words and meaning words come from empathy, understanding, and science.

Patients completing BIOFEEDBACK treatment reduce: 

  1. Headaches visits by 75%,
  2. Medications intake by 56%,
  3. Emergency room visits by 19%,
  4. Physician phone calls by 16%
  5. Special procedures by 16%

Important Facts Biofeedback: 

  1. Stops Tension headaches
  2. No adverse side effects 
  3. No Dependence on medications
  4. No surgical scars 
  5. Eliminates Jaw Pain
  6. Successful therapy for back, neck, jaw pains
  7. Empowers "you" to reduce your pain
  8. Improve the quality of your life
  9. Not quick fix

Define Biofeedback:

  1. Developing tools to control tension in muscles
  2. EMG reader provides evidence of tension muscles
  3. Give readings/data: a) relaxed muscle, b) contracted muscle
  4. Teaches tools to lower the contraction rate in muscles
  5.  Successful lowers tension muscles
  6. Gives "you" feedback on your success 
  7. Tension in muscles equal static contraction without lactic acid pump

What sets up increase tension (contraction) in muscles?

  1. Stress, pet peeves-------mild up regulation sympathetic system 
  2. Negative thinking loops ---------- moderate up regulation sympathetic system 
  3. Emotional hyjacking ----------- short severe up regulation sympathetic system 
  4. PTSD, Child Abuse ------------- protection system malfunction

Types treatment by Levels Anxiety & TMJ damage

  1. Stress            mild damage                            self reduction stress
  2. Anxiety         moderate damage             biofeedback, counseling
  3. Complex       mod-severe damage        biopsychosocial therapies

Complex Anxiety

  • Automatic Negative Thinking Loops:  ANTS
  • Worry, Fret, Perfectionism, Hate self
  • Emotional Hyjacking
  • Protection system dysfunction: PTSD, Child abuse, Horrific accidents

Moderate Anxiety

  • Negative Thinking
  • Relationship Dysfunction
  • Pressure School or Work
  • Social--Political Stress

Biofeedback Tools:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenic training
  • Guided Imagery
  • Decrease physiological arousal
  • Deep breathing (thoracic)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Systemic Desensitization
  • Pain Focus Distraction
  • Anxiety Management
  • Stimulation Parasympathetic System
  • Coaching/Counseling

Success you make for yourself

  1. Record muscle contraction-before
  2. Teach a tool
  3. Record muscle contraction after
  4. Bio valid for you
  5. Passionate practice tool

Young gymnast & piano
Long hours training --school -- social
Neck example due gymnastic trauma
Note left side more tense than right
1st is neck at doctor office, left elevated
2nd is relaxing training, left decreased
3rd anxiety: math test she did not 100

Emotional Brain Therapy: sympathetic system down regulation: done in conjunction w/ chewing system orthopedic

  1. Biofeedback = mild anxiety
  2. Biofeedback & CBT & Counseling=moderate anxiety
  3.  PTSD, EMHJ, ABUSE = biopsychosocial therapy & counseling =severe anxiety             

Abbreviations: (CBT cognitive behavioral therapy, PTSD= post traumatic stress disorder, EMHJ=Emotional Hijacking, ANTS=automatic negative thinking loops)

Anxiety Today:

  1. World negatives (violence, hatred, indifference, prejudice, bias, unloved, abandon)
  2. ANTS-self communicate- (stupid, unworthy, unloved)                                                                           
  3. Relationships: someone you love says your unlovable
  4. Poor communication: programming poor skills infant and child

We need enough tools to counter balance the anxiety:  

What do you hear says Biofeedback: are we are crazy, are stressed out,

Why do I need Biofeedback: Because we are stress beyond out tools to handle it

How does it work: You learn why muscle over contracted & learn tool control it

Term for muscle being over contracted: Tension Muscles

Biofeedback Training: EMG sensors tell you contraction rate for you learn; so, when contracted at home you feel it react to it before gets painful.

Biofeedback is teaching “you” to lower tension in “your” muscles
Do you know anyone who could use a few more tools to lower tense muscles?

Counseling maybe necessary in emotional moderate anxiety, but only if you ask for the help ? You want grow further than you can on your own.

Science Biofeedback

  1. 78% of tension headaches and 91% of migraine headaches improved
  2. 30 % Reduction in office visits for headaches
  3. 90% reduction in use medications for stress, pain, anxiety, depression

Pathologies Requiring Biofeedback:

  1. Destructive parafunction
  2. Restricted opening
  3. Tension Headache
  4. Pediatric Headaches
  5. Complete displaced disc
  6. Atypical toothache
  7. Burning mouth
  8. Trigeminal Neuralgia
  9. Neck pain

Warning: Insurance companies have bias toward medications because they control doctors medical decisions.

Integrative tools: 

  1. Supported by science
  2. Provides the best success 
  3. Treats causes not symptom
  4. These professionals more about patient than money

Benefits of Biofeedback

Reduction in use of  medication

Wright, C. (1979).  Seeking a new medical horizon: Towards a rational approach for reducing the contributions of psychosocial stress to illness behaviors. 

Reduction in doctor visits

Wright, C. (1979).  Seeking a new medical horizon: Towards a rational approach for reducing the contributions of psychosocial stress to illness behaviors.

Decrease in medical costs

Fahrion, S. (in press).  Cost-Effectiveness in Biobehavioral Treatment of Hypertension. 

Health Reasons for Biofeedback: 

Recommend reading: 

  1. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
  2. Body Keeps Score by Dr. Bessel Van DerKolk

YOU do not want to participate in biofeedback because:

  1. You love taking medications
  2. You love having surgery
  3. You love being in pain
  4. You demanded quick fix
  5. You expect botox to cure you
  6. The ability eat overrated
  7. You love having toothache
  8. You’ll miss headache everyday
  9. You’ll love monthly visits ER
  10. You like soft diet due jaw locked

Biofeedback reduces Tension Muscles overloading joints producing inflammation in muscle, ligament, disc, & joint

Anxiety is gasoline on fire of pain

Does not cause pain, increases pain

Getting out chronic pain requires treating causes pain & managing anxiety w/ new tools

Anxiety can even makes us sensitivity to the words doctors use to describe stress & anxiety. In the words and meaning words come from empathy, understanding, and science.

Patients completing BIOFEEDBACK treatment reduce: 

  1. Headaches visits by 75%,
  2. Medications intake by 56%,
  3. Emergency room visits by 19%,
  4. Physician phone calls by 16%
  5. Special procedures by 16%

Important Facts Biofeedback: 

  1. Stops Tension headaches
  2. No adverse side effects 
  3. No Dependence on medications
  4. No surgical scars 
  5. Eliminates Jaw Pain
  6. Successful therapy for back, neck, jaw pains
  7. Empowers "you" to reduce your pain
  8. Improve the quality of your life
  9. Not quick fix

Define Biofeedback:

  1. Developing tools to control tension in muscles
  2. EMG reader provides evidence of tension muscles
  3. Give readings/data: a) relaxed muscle, b) contracted muscle
  4. Teaches tools to lower the contraction rate in muscles
  5.  Successful lowers tension muscles
  6. Gives "you" feedback on your success 
  7. Tension in muscles equal static contraction without lactic acid pump

What sets up increase tension (contraction) in muscles?

  1. Stress, pet peeves-------mild up regulation sympathetic system 
  2. Negative thinking loops ---------- moderate up regulation sympathetic system 
  3. Emotional hyjacking ----------- short severe up regulation sympathetic system 
  4. PTSD, Child Abuse ------------- protection system malfunction

Types treatment by Levels Anxiety & TMJ damage

  1. Stress            mild damage                            self reduction stress
  2. Anxiety         moderate damage             biofeedback, counseling
  3. Complex       mod-severe damage        biopsychosocial therapies

Complex Anxiety

  • Automatic Negative Thinking Loops:  ANTS
  • Worry, Fret, Perfectionism, Hate self
  • Emotional Hyjacking
  • Protection system dysfunction: PTSD, Child abuse, Horrific accidents

Moderate Anxiety

  • Negative Thinking
  • Relationship Dysfunction
  • Pressure School or Work
  • Social--Political Stress

Biofeedback Tools:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenic training
  • Guided Imagery
  • Decrease physiological arousal
  • Deep breathing (thoracic)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Systemic Desensitization
  • Pain Focus Distraction
  • Anxiety Management
  • Stimulation Parasympathetic System
  • Coaching/Counseling

Success you make for yourself

  1. Record muscle contraction-before
  2. Teach a tool
  3. Record muscle contraction after
  4. Bio valid for you
  5. Passionate practice tool

Young gymnast & piano
Long hours training --school -- social
Neck example due gymnastic trauma
Note left side more tense than right
1st is neck at doctor office, left elevated
2nd is relaxing training, left decreased
3rd anxiety: math test she did not 100

Emotional Brain Therapy: sympathetic system down regulation: done in conjunction w/ chewing system orthopedic

  1. Biofeedback = mild anxiety
  2. Biofeedback & CBT & Counseling=moderate anxiety
  3.  PTSD, EMHJ, ABUSE = biopsychosocial therapy & counseling =severe anxiety             

Abbreviations: (CBT cognitive behavioral therapy, PTSD= post traumatic stress disorder, EMHJ=Emotional Hijacking, ANTS=automatic negative thinking loops)

Anxiety Today:

  1. World negatives (violence, hatred, indifference, prejudice, bias, unloved, abandon)
  2. ANTS-self communicate- (stupid, unworthy, unloved)                                                                           
  3. Relationships: someone you love says your unlovable
  4. Poor communication: programming poor skills infant and child

We need enough tools to counter balance the anxiety:  

What do you hear says Biofeedback: are we are crazy, are stressed out,

Why do I need Biofeedback: Because we are stress beyond out tools to handle it

How does it work: You learn why muscle over contracted & learn tool control it

Term for muscle being over contracted: Tension Muscles

Biofeedback Training: EMG sensors tell you contraction rate for you learn; so, when contracted at home you feel it react to it before gets painful.

Biofeedback is teaching “you” to lower tension in “your” muscles
Do you know anyone who could use a few more tools to lower tense muscles?

Counseling maybe necessary in emotional moderate anxiety, but only if you ask for the help ? You want grow further than you can on your own.

Science Biofeedback

  1. 78% of tension headaches and 91% of migraine headaches improved
  2. 30 % Reduction in office visits for headaches
  3. 90% reduction in use medications for stress, pain, anxiety, depression

Pathologies Requiring Biofeedback:

  1. Destructive parafunction
  2. Restricted opening
  3. Tension Headache
  4. Pediatric Headaches
  5. Complete displaced disc
  6. Atypical toothache
  7. Burning mouth
  8. Trigeminal Neuralgia
  9. Neck pain

Warning: Insurance companies have bias toward medications because they control doctors medical decisions.

Integrative tools: 

  1. Supported by science
  2. Provides the best success 
  3. Treats causes not symptom
  4. These professionals more about patient than money

Benefits of Biofeedback

Reduction in use of  medication

Wright, C. (1979).  Seeking a new medical horizon: Towards a rational approach for reducing the contributions of psychosocial stress to illness behaviors. 

Reduction in doctor visits

Wright, C. (1979).  Seeking a new medical horizon: Towards a rational approach for reducing the contributions of psychosocial stress to illness behaviors.

Decrease in medical costs

Fahrion, S. (in press).  Cost-Effectiveness in Biobehavioral Treatment of Hypertension. 

Health Reasons for Biofeedback: 

Recommend reading: 

  1. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
  2. Body Keeps Score by Dr. Bessel Van DerKolk

YOU do not want to participate in biofeedback because:

  1. You love taking medications
  2. You love having surgery
  3. You love being in pain
  4. You demanded quick fix
  5. You expect botox to cure you
  6. The ability eat overrated
  7. You love having toothache
  8. You’ll miss headache everyday
  9. You’ll love monthly visits ER
  10. You like soft diet due jaw locked

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