"Anxiety is gasoline on fire pain"
Surge in anxiety always increases chronic pain !!!!!
Pains + Anxiety + Health Habits + Trauma = Chronic Pain
BEWARE: The longer pain exist and higher pain level the more the anxiety system wires to pain system.
A minister has depended on Christianity as her favorite anti-anxiety tool in early part of her life. I have depended on cardiovascular exercise early in my life as my favorite anti-anxiety tool. We challenged each other. For the minister, using cardiovascular exercise as her backup anti anxiety tool, For me, I need to depend on Christianity as my back up tool for anti anxiety. In fact, it is slowly becoming my favorite anti-anxiety tool especially in my marriage.
Anxiety control is complex. Reading about one particular anxiety, you gain insight but little control. I began studying how anxiety gains control over pain system in chronic pain. If you have chronic neck-jaw-head pains and suffer from anxiety, you will suffer long years pain pursuing acute pain therapies. Chronic pain requires team to master complexity pain, the neck and jaw joint systems, complexity of anxiety, and complexity of autonomic system dysfunction. You are most important part of that team.
Luke 12:22-26
“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”
"Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god. Worries, if indulged, develop into idols. Anxiety gains a life of its own, parasitically infesting your mind. Break free from this bondage by affirming your trust in me and refreshing yourself in my presence. What goes on in your mind is invisible, undetectable to other people. But I read your thoughts continually, searching for evidence of trust in me. I rejoice when your mind turns toward me. Guard your thoughts diligently, good thought choices will keep you close to me."
CAR ACCIDENT STOLE MY LIFE; Choose anger or choose life
A woman with great health was involved major traffic accident which should kill her. The accident stole the health that she worked so hard to obtain. Instead of being happy to be alive, she let her anger grow into rage; so much so, that now her past controls her future. We can’t blame her for her anger, but we can coach her w/ empathy to gain control over the anger. Choosing health over anger allows her body to do some miraculous healing.
The greatest control over our emotional brain comes from horrors of child abuse and war. These events damage the emotional brain; so that, the individual lives in a constant state emergency or protection. At the most trivial things, they will attack or playing ostrich. This level of anxiety utilizes all our resources we need for healing. These are abnormal behaviors based on need to protect our selfs. Insurance-government-CPT coders have relegated child abuse or war horrors to only one form management, strong medications, yet; there is so much more science can offer. We have yet to explore these options due to coders unwillingness to explore the Integrative tools in mental health arena. Child abuse is desperately in need of therapy that returns patient to world and not made them totally dependent of Medications or turn them into zombies.
Developing maturity-understanding-knowledge:
Ability to manage Anxiety involves developing or maturing in all four realms. Most of us focus on intellectual because the world will pay us more, but we ignore the other three(spiritual, physical, emotional). Neglect the spiritual and we become depressed and anxious. Neglect the physical and we entertain disease and pain. Neglect the emotional scars of our childhood, war horrors, or horrific traumas and we suffer from anger-hatred-jealousy.
Mother's give there all to her family-children-career-loving environment, but when she gives away her health she suffers pain-disease-deterioration. Dad's build home-career-financial-loving environment-leadership-education until there is little left for health.
Setting goals for our emotional-spirtual-intellectual-physical health becomes a important aspect to life.
I am angry for being wronged, injured, or damaged. You perception of being wronged is right ?. Being right and being Anger is allow a powerful emotion takes control of our cognitive Brain. Anger directs our behavior toward protection: defend or retreat. Anger steals valuable resources, decisions, attention, money, time need for healing. You cannot choose anger and healing at same time. You cannot progressively focus on healing when you are emotionally stuck in past.
"Anxiety is gasoline on fire pain"
Surge in anxiety always increases chronic pain !!!!!
Pains + Anxiety + Health Habits + Trauma = Chronic Pain
BEWARE: The longer pain exist and higher pain level the more the anxiety system wires to pain system.
A minister has depended on Christianity as her favorite anti-anxiety tool in early part of her life. I have depended on cardiovascular exercise early in my life as my favorite anti-anxiety tool. We challenged each other. For the minister, using cardiovascular exercise as her backup anti anxiety tool, For me, I need to depend on Christianity as my back up tool for anti anxiety. In fact, it is slowly becoming my favorite anti-anxiety tool especially in my marriage.
Anxiety control is complex. Reading about one particular anxiety, you gain insight but little control. I began studying how anxiety gains control over pain system in chronic pain. If you have chronic neck-jaw-head pains and suffer from anxiety, you will suffer long years pain pursuing acute pain therapies. Chronic pain requires team to master complexity pain, the neck and jaw joint systems, complexity of anxiety, and complexity of autonomic system dysfunction. You are most important part of that team.
Luke 12:22-26
“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”
"Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god. Worries, if indulged, develop into idols. Anxiety gains a life of its own, parasitically infesting your mind. Break free from this bondage by affirming your trust in me and refreshing yourself in my presence. What goes on in your mind is invisible, undetectable to other people. But I read your thoughts continually, searching for evidence of trust in me. I rejoice when your mind turns toward me. Guard your thoughts diligently, good thought choices will keep you close to me."
CAR ACCIDENT STOLE MY LIFE; Choose anger or choose life
A woman with great health was involved major traffic accident which should kill her. The accident stole the health that she worked so hard to obtain. Instead of being happy to be alive, she let her anger grow into rage; so much so, that now her past controls her future. We can’t blame her for her anger, but we can coach her w/ empathy to gain control over the anger. Choosing health over anger allows her body to do some miraculous healing.
The greatest control over our emotional brain comes from horrors of child abuse and war. These events damage the emotional brain; so that, the individual lives in a constant state emergency or protection. At the most trivial things, they will attack or playing ostrich. This level of anxiety utilizes all our resources we need for healing. These are abnormal behaviors based on need to protect our selfs. Insurance-government-CPT coders have relegated child abuse or war horrors to only one form management, strong medications, yet; there is so much more science can offer. We have yet to explore these options due to coders unwillingness to explore the Integrative tools in mental health arena. Child abuse is desperately in need of therapy that returns patient to world and not made them totally dependent of Medications or turn them into zombies.
Developing maturity-understanding-knowledge:
Ability to manage Anxiety involves developing or maturing in all four realms. Most of us focus on intellectual because the world will pay us more, but we ignore the other three(spiritual, physical, emotional). Neglect the spiritual and we become depressed and anxious. Neglect the physical and we entertain disease and pain. Neglect the emotional scars of our childhood, war horrors, or horrific traumas and we suffer from anger-hatred-jealousy.
Mother's give there all to her family-children-career-loving environment, but when she gives away her health she suffers pain-disease-deterioration. Dad's build home-career-financial-loving environment-leadership-education until there is little left for health.
Setting goals for our emotional-spirtual-intellectual-physical health becomes a important aspect to life.
I am angry for being wronged, injured, or damaged. You perception of being wronged is right ?. Being right and being Anger is allow a powerful emotion takes control of our cognitive Brain. Anger directs our behavior toward protection: defend or retreat. Anger steals valuable resources, decisions, attention, money, time need for healing. You cannot choose anger and healing at same time. You cannot progressively focus on healing when you are emotionally stuck in past.
1) Neck pain: is associated with muscle bracing, posturing, reciprocal
contraction jaw system