Not accepting assignment means you pay for doctors time in full and you file insurance claim so that the insurance reimburses you. This allows Dr. Yount to manage your chronic pain without restrictions or limitations on success on your needs for pain management.
Every policy is different. Primary responsibility to what is covered is chosen by you or your HR department. We are happy to assist you in obtaining re-imbursement, but we are not responsible for how "your" contract decides to reimburse.
Surgical Insurance confusion: Confusion in terms: Conservative Therapies vs Home care: 1) Insurance companies and surgeons have used term conservative therapies incorrectly. 2) What they really mean is they failed home therapies. 3) Surgeons have justified need for surgery by telling insurance company, "Failed Conservative Therapy" 4)The better term is home therapies. 5) "Conservative Therapies" implies chewing system orthopedics ( PT, Bio, orthotic, Patient changing health habits) 6) Failing chewing system orthopedics means failing orthotic, physical therapy, biofeedback, health habits changes 7) Failing chewing system orthopedics rarely happens !!!! 8) So insurance approval of TMD surgery should rarely happen
Not accepting assignment means you pay for doctors time in full and you file insurance claim so that the insurance reimburses you. This allows Dr. Yount to manage your chronic pain without restrictions or limitations on success on your needs for pain management.
Every policy is different. Primary responsibility to what is covered is chosen by you or your HR department. We are happy to assist you in obtaining re-imbursement, but we are not responsible for how "your" contract decides to reimburse.
Surgical Insurance confusion: Confusion in terms: Conservative Therapies vs Home care: 1) Insurance companies and surgeons have used term conservative therapies incorrectly. 2) What they really mean is they failed home therapies. 3) Surgeons have justified need for surgery by telling insurance company, "Failed Conservative Therapy" 4)The better term is home therapies. 5) "Conservative Therapies" implies chewing system orthopedics ( PT, Bio, orthotic, Patient changing health habits) 6) Failing chewing system orthopedics means failing orthotic, physical therapy, biofeedback, health habits changes 7) Failing chewing system orthopedics rarely happens !!!! 8) So insurance approval of TMD surgery should rarely happen
Grinding enlarges Medical Pterygoid which reduces pipe size on both sides of air pipe increasing chance of having Sleep Apnea