Orthotic is specialized appliance for management of destructive grind/clench & mod to sev damage to TMD.
Webster Definition: An orthotic is "an externally applied device used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system".
Orthotic: 1) highly refined or accurate nightguard 2)covers all teeth, special design 3) hard throughout 4) used in conjunction with chewing system orthopedics 5) It is not a stand alone appliance 6) By itself, does not cure TMD
Orthotics are used treat:
Orthotic provides more pain relieve by through: Hard Material Scientific Design High Degree Accuracy
The purpose of Orthotic is to:
In Study by Kemper & Okeson in 1983 in J Pros Dent (49:702): 33 “jaw pain” patients treated with only orthotic: - 64% reduction - 30% remission of their tension headaches.
Reading Orthotic: Orofacial Pain Specialist: why orthotic adjusted weekly or every other week
Type | Level Grind | Damage TMD | Pain |
Bite guard | Mild grind | No TMD damage | No pain |
Night guard | Mod grind | Mild TMD damage | Mild pain |
Orthotic | Destruct grind | Mod TMD damage | Mod pain |
Ten tools to reduce parafunction at night:
Destructive Grinding-Clenching:
Orthotic is required for Arthritis of the TMD
Orthotic is for Destructive Grinders
Orthotic protects: Crown -- Bridge -- Implant--Root canal
Accuracy requires: 3-year residency orofacial pain
Famous quote from endodontist: I can teach you how to do root canal in weekend, but it takes 3 years to teach the exceptions. Exceptional accuracy takes 3 years to teach and I would say even 20 years of practice.
THE PENNY PINCHER: A patient needed orthotic for his jaw locking & tension headaches. He ask cost of the orthotic and then called his dentist to ask the cost of his nightguard. The cost difference between the nightguard and the orthotic was several hundred dollars; so, thinking he was getting the same appliance for less he bought nightguard. After 2 weeks of wearing nightguard, his jaw pain increased from 6/10 pain to 8/10 pain. Not only did he waste time reducing his pain, but he increase his pain all in effort save hundreds dollars. Why was he not told by dentist that the nightguard was less accurate and wrong material ? Why did he not do research on difference nightguard and orthotic ? This guy did a years research on his turntable; yet, he did not even read the scientific material provided "Confusing Appliances" given to him at the exam. Consulting with orofacial pain specialist due increase pain, he begged for emergency impressions for orthotic and doctor rush lab to deliver the pain saving device called orthotic. He was excited wearing orthotic because his pain dropped from a 8/10 to 5/10, then after week later reduced to 4/10.
Orthotic is specialized appliance for management of destructive grind/clench & mod to sev damage to TMD.
Webster Definition: An orthotic is "an externally applied device used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system".
Orthotic: 1) highly refined or accurate nightguard 2)covers all teeth, special design 3) hard throughout 4) used in conjunction with chewing system orthopedics 5) It is not a stand alone appliance 6) By itself, does not cure TMD
Orthotics are used treat:
Orthotic provides more pain relieve by through: Hard Material Scientific Design High Degree Accuracy
The purpose of Orthotic is to:
In Study by Kemper & Okeson in 1983 in J Pros Dent (49:702): 33 “jaw pain” patients treated with only orthotic: - 64% reduction - 30% remission of their tension headaches.
Reading Orthotic: Orofacial Pain Specialist: why orthotic adjusted weekly or every other week
Type | Level Grind | Damage TMD | Pain |
Bite guard | Mild grind | No TMD damage | No pain |
Night guard | Mod grind | Mild TMD damage | Mild pain |
Orthotic | Destruct grind | Mod TMD damage | Mod pain |
Ten tools to reduce parafunction at night:
Destructive Grinding-Clenching:
Orthotic is required for Arthritis of the TMD
Orthotic is for Destructive Grinders
Orthotic protects: Crown -- Bridge -- Implant--Root canal
Accuracy requires: 3-year residency orofacial pain
Famous quote from endodontist: I can teach you how to do root canal in weekend, but it takes 3 years to teach the exceptions. Exceptional accuracy takes 3 years to teach and I would say even 20 years of practice.
THE PENNY PINCHER: A patient needed orthotic for his jaw locking & tension headaches. He ask cost of the orthotic and then called his dentist to ask the cost of his nightguard. The cost difference between the nightguard and the orthotic was several hundred dollars; so, thinking he was getting the same appliance for less he bought nightguard. After 2 weeks of wearing nightguard, his jaw pain increased from 6/10 pain to 8/10 pain. Not only did he waste time reducing his pain, but he increase his pain all in effort save hundreds dollars. Why was he not told by dentist that the nightguard was less accurate and wrong material ? Why did he not do research on difference nightguard and orthotic ? This guy did a years research on his turntable; yet, he did not even read the scientific material provided "Confusing Appliances" given to him at the exam. Consulting with orofacial pain specialist due increase pain, he begged for emergency impressions for orthotic and doctor rush lab to deliver the pain saving device called orthotic. He was excited wearing orthotic because his pain dropped from a 8/10 to 5/10, then after week later reduced to 4/10.
1) Conservaive therapies-soft doet, Advil, hot comp
2) Dental Appliance: soft Biteguards - Hybrids- hard Nightguards…