Nothing is more painful to parent than seeing your child w/ headache and you have little to nothing safe to offer her or him. Most parents have no clue to what professional to take headache prone child to diagnose and treat. Unfortunately, some children are prone to tension headaches and need Orofacial Pain Specialist.
Options for relief: 1) Pediatrician 2) Pedodontist 3) Pediatric Neurologist 4) Orofacial pain Specialist
Grind-Clench Source Tension HA: 1) 15 to 33 % of children grind their teeth. 2) Grind-Clench is one primary reason for pediatric headache. 3) Grind is a movement disorder. 4) Dentistry is not trained to diagnose grind-clench 5) Poor occlusion can increase grind-clench but it does not cause it 6) For mom w/o anatomy training, the side head is chewing muscle 7 ) As a professional interested in reducing suffering from pediatric headache 8) refer to specialist trained in the chewing system's movement disorder, Orofacial Pain Specialist
Pediatric neurologist & parents are forced by insurance company: 1) only use weak drugs 2) take risk using drugs not tested on children 3) Beg insurance to cover Integrative tools proven effective 4) Beg your Congressman to over ride insurance companies greed 5) Pray someday insurance will use science to decide coverage
Insurance companies who care nothing about your child suffering, use greed as basis for their decision on coverage not science. Refusing to cover chronic pain; so, the only health care professionals who can help your child can stay in business if they accept insurance companies manipulation.
Can you do a specific job in your occupation, well, if it takes 20 minutes to do best work but you company only gives you 5 minutes. Welcome to medical field, especially government medicine.
Pediatric Tension Headache:
Caring parents:
The profession who studied grinding & clenching most is orofacial pain specialist.
Destructive Grinding at night:
Hints of grinding include:
Headache disrupts school-social-sleep
Poor health habits (sleep, exercise, nutrition, thinking)
Mod severe grinding clenching
High stress or anxiety
Frequent neck-jaw-tooth pain
Multiple Trauma: Blows jaw-face-head & MVA (whiplash damages jaw joint)
Parafunction & pain: watch inc grinding due situation daytime events
Nothing is more painful to parent than seeing your child w/ headache and you have little to nothing safe to offer her or him. Most parents have no clue to what professional to take headache prone child to diagnose and treat. Unfortunately, some children are prone to tension headaches and need Orofacial Pain Specialist.
Options for relief: 1) Pediatrician 2) Pedodontist 3) Pediatric Neurologist 4) Orofacial pain Specialist
Grind-Clench Source Tension HA: 1) 15 to 33 % of children grind their teeth. 2) Grind-Clench is one primary reason for pediatric headache. 3) Grind is a movement disorder. 4) Dentistry is not trained to diagnose grind-clench 5) Poor occlusion can increase grind-clench but it does not cause it 6) For mom w/o anatomy training, the side head is chewing muscle 7 ) As a professional interested in reducing suffering from pediatric headache 8) refer to specialist trained in the chewing system's movement disorder, Orofacial Pain Specialist
Pediatric neurologist & parents are forced by insurance company: 1) only use weak drugs 2) take risk using drugs not tested on children 3) Beg insurance to cover Integrative tools proven effective 4) Beg your Congressman to over ride insurance companies greed 5) Pray someday insurance will use science to decide coverage
Insurance companies who care nothing about your child suffering, use greed as basis for their decision on coverage not science. Refusing to cover chronic pain; so, the only health care professionals who can help your child can stay in business if they accept insurance companies manipulation.
Can you do a specific job in your occupation, well, if it takes 20 minutes to do best work but you company only gives you 5 minutes. Welcome to medical field, especially government medicine.
Pediatric Tension Headache:
Caring parents:
The profession who studied grinding & clenching most is orofacial pain specialist.
Destructive Grinding at night:
Hints of grinding include:
Headache disrupts school-social-sleep
Poor health habits (sleep, exercise, nutrition, thinking)
Mod severe grinding clenching
High stress or anxiety
Frequent neck-jaw-tooth pain
Multiple Trauma: Blows jaw-face-head & MVA (whiplash damages jaw joint)
Parafunction & pain: watch inc grinding due situation daytime events