About Raleigh Facial Pain

We, the team at Raleigh Facial Pain Center, are a dedicated & caring team to help you successfully navigate your chronic pain journey.

We specialize in treating chewing pain, jaw pain, restricted opening, atypical earache, atypical toothache, destructive grinding/clenching, open locking, burning mouth, sudden bite changes, failed implants- crowns-root canals, and dysfunctions of the chewing system.

We coach our patients, help design treatment plans for your unique needs, and implement an orthopedic team to help you manage your chronic pain.

The team is highly trained in medical or dental science. Chosen for their empathy, communication, teaching, team dynamics, and faith.

Dr. Yount 3 year residency was at the University of Florida's Parker Mahan Pain Center. He is board certified in Orofacial Pain through the American Board of Orofacial Pain. Dr. Yount is one of 4 Orofacial Pain Specialists in North Carolina.

About Dr. Yount

Dr. Yount: Undergraduate of NCSU, UNC Dental School Graduate, Married 43 years,  father 3 boys, dentist 14 years in mountains, University of Florida graduate of Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Pain Specialist in Raleigh 25 years (for more info click)

We, the team at Raleigh Facial Pain Center, are a dedicated & caring team to help you successfully navigate your chronic pain journey.

We specialize in treating chewing pain, jaw pain, restricted opening, atypical earache, atypical toothache, destructive grinding/clenching, open locking, burning mouth, sudden bite changes, failed implants- crowns-root canals, and dysfunctions of the chewing system.

We coach our patients, help design treatment plans for your unique needs, and implement an orthopedic team to help you manage your chronic pain.

The team is highly trained in medical or dental science. Chosen for their empathy, communication, teaching, team dynamics, and faith.

Dr. Yount 3 year residency was at the University of Florida's Parker Mahan Pain Center. He is board certified in Orofacial Pain through the American Board of Orofacial Pain. Dr. Yount is one of 4 Orofacial Pain Specialists in North Carolina.

About Dr. Yount

Dr. Yount: Undergraduate of NCSU, UNC Dental School Graduate, Married 43 years,  father 3 boys, dentist 14 years in mountains, University of Florida graduate of Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Pain Specialist in Raleigh 25 years (for more info click)

Pearls of Pain

Restricted opening

  1. Inability to open 1 finger
  2. Indicates moderate severe damage to jaw joint
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