Bite vs TMD

Before you invest huge sums of money in implants, ask if you jaw joint or TMJ is stable.

Before you accept any crown, bridge, or implant ask if your TMJ is stable ?

You cannot fix bite, reconstruct bite, place implants, or precise crown & bridge without jaw joint instability. 

Implants will fail with jaw joint instability or dysfunction.

bite tmd

OA Left TMJ (CA)

Bone loss on implants


MAJOR Confusion in TMD:

1) A bad bite is not the cause TMD (b)                                                                                                            
2) Unstable-painful-dysfunctional TMD can cause bad bite
3) Bad bites cause implant-crown/bridge failure

Dentist (not specialist) who treat moderate to severe TMD:

1) Focus their treatments on bite,             
2) The bite is a contributor not a cause TMD (a),
3) Bite (d) is changed using ARS, LVI, MORA,
4) This bite focus causes failed TMD treatment
5) Bite changes recommended even with previous orthodontics (braces)

Bad bite names: 1) Unstable bite,   2) No home for bite,   3) Dual bites

TAKE HOME: Never accept implants with TMJ malfunction, painful TMJ, sudden bite changes, destructive grind-clench, history crack-broken-chip teeth, history Atypical Toothaches

Your dentist will have difficulty with your implants if you have:

1) Dual bite (hypermobility)
2) Disc displacement
3) Osteoarthritis
4) High stress, anxiety, ACE-PTSD-Brain Trauma
5) Destructive Grind-Clench

Wearing ARS-LVI-MORA can increase TMJ pain.
(ARS=anterior repositioning splint) (c)

STEPS: Mod to Sev damage TMJ: 1) stabilize TMJ, 2) verify TMJ stable, 3) reconstruct

Dentist cannot know where to put mountains and valleys of implant crowns unless jaw joint (TMJ) is stable.

Patients pressure dentist in TMD for quick fix. There are no quick fixes for moderate to severe damage TMJ. Orthopedic pain like back pain or jaw pain can not be fix by any one tool.

The only tool available to dentist is appliances. The soft or soft hard appliances(e) work best on mild TMD damage or early clench grind. The orthotic works best on mod to sev damage TMD or destructive grind/clench.


a. Major causes TMD: 1) Tension Muscles, 2) Clench & Grind, 3) Trauma
b. Dentistry spend 30 years proving bite does not cause TMD
c. Orthotic appliance ideals bite in plastic for mod to sev damage TMD
d. Mod to severe damage TMJ is a muscle joint disc problem
e. 3 types appliances by material: soft, soft hard, hard

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