Pain + Anxiety + PHH + Trauma = Chronic Pain
Warning: anxiety system connects to pain system over time in chronic pain
- Longer pain period =more anxiety wires to pain wires
- Longer poor health habits more chronic pain takes control your life
- Higher pain levels more anxiety & more connection
- Stressors - Demands-mild prolonged
- Pet Peeves -moderate
- Emotional hijacking -severe
- PTSD or Child Abuse-damage emotional brain
Similar: 1) Stress/Anxiety, 2) Fight or flight, 3) Protection system, 4) Sympathetic System, 5) Anxiety system
High Anxiety increases:
- Tension in muscles
- Rewiring anxiety system to pain system
- Grinding & clenching
High anxiety for long periods changes pain reporting system;
- Anxiety wires/couple to pain system
- Anxiety causes adaptations pain biochemistry/physiology
- Sympathetic system connects pain system
- Turns silent nerves into pain nerves
- Creation alpha 1 receptors (pain nerves rx to adrenalin)
- Creates a greater pain response to small stimuli 7) Anxiety becomes gasoline on fire pain
Tale twin sisters:
- Sister A: has acute pain, stub toe, stressing her does not change pain
- Sister B: has chronic pain, headache, stressing her causes pain to increase
Manipulation of emotional brain:
- Worlds Manipulation (Politics, hate crime, violence, negative news)
- Self Manipulation (turn love into worry, turn effort to perfectionism)