Type | Levels pain | Episodes | Treatment | Fab Four |
Acute | Mild to mod | Infrequent | Single tx | Good health habit |
Chronic | Mod to severe | Frequent-daily | Complex tx | Poor health habit |
Chronic pains (multiple pain areas) requires fertile soil (poor health habits) plus a potent seed (trauma) w/ plenty of water (anxiety).
STORY of Twin Sisters: A) When sister Bula, who has had only short bouts of pain, if you stress her pain does not go up ? B) When Sister Abigil, with neck pain for years, if you stress her, her pain goes up ?
Many women think "they have lost it", "became wimps", "flunkies to motherhood" due fact that many things increase their pain now that use not affect them.
Some women who are angry at drunk driver who stole their health are desperate to hold on anger, but the anger sets off anxiety system that is connected to pain system. Inadverently, sabotage or interfere with Integrative tools to get them better.
SCIENCE OF ANXIETY 1) Autonomic system dysfunction a) sympathetic system: fight or flight, protections system b) parasympathetic system: rest & replenish, 2) When stress/anxiiety is too frequent or too severe a) the sympathetic system overrides parasympathetic system b) Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Balance is disturbed 3)Sympathetic system override: sympathetic system dominance: a) adrenalin production, b) stress hormone, c) tension in muscles
Anxiety increases pain levels:
The four health habits are cardiovascular conditioning, sleep, nutrition, and repetitive thought habits:
Cardiovascular “conditioning” is increasing our activity to a level that strengthens heart and lungs. The cardiovascular conditioning improves tone of your muscles which is important for resistance to trauma damage. Cardio increases energy structures of muscles (mitochrondra) and improves sewer system capabilities (lymphatics). Cardio enhances all organ system to function more efficiently. Cardio improves efficiency of removes toxins or inflammation from muscles better. Cardio balances and increases efficiency all our body functions. Cardio is closest thing to fountain youth.
Sleep includes quality breathing-depth sleep-ideal sleep architecture-production of physiological chemicals-healing tissues-autonomic rebalancing-nerve growth factor. Deep sleep produces more growth hormone. Better breathing oxygenates body for better processing. Proper coordination of all cycles sleep is important for our bodies physiology-biochemistry because the majority of healing occurs and we build our molecules here.
Nutrition provides resources use to build the proteins-cell membranes-hormones-neurotransmitters-immunity (defenses)-run body processes, and nourish fona-flora of gut. The diet is made up of positive chemicals (nutrients-vitamins-trace elements-fiber) and negative chemicals (over use medications) & additions (sugar-salt-caffeine-nicotine-alcohol) & hidden chemical sensitivities (set off inflammation in body) that our body sustains damage from repetitive insults.
Repetitive negative though loops are brain programming used to organize our behaviors for protection. Many of these repetitive though habits are negative such as way we talk to ourselves when we made mistake. I don't know about you but I was cruel to myself with severe cussing or put downs. Many of these guidelines-preprogramming-repetitive emotional memories are from our childhood laid down incorrectly by angry dad, frustrated mom, or over worked care taker. We live our lives going into future in fear of this past programming that does not serve success or happiness. Example, "you stupid idiot" from my childhood only causes me to react to my wife when "I feel" she disrespects me. I use to get quite angry with her without good reason because of hidden emotional trigger from childhood. How are you doing with negative repetitive thoughts? How are they controlling your future, your happiness, your relationships.
Types: 1) MVA 2) Blow 3) Fall 4) Head/Neck Injury
Repetitive traumas force us into healing state at time when our health habits are poor, thus, our healing ability is poor, thus we have accumlative microdamage. The accumulative damage from trauma induced damage that did not heal properly builds until we have prolonged open mouth procedure setting off all this hidden damage. At the time when the accumulative damage no longer sustains proper function in joint muscle system, we go into chronic pain state.
Doctors typically treat the symptoms of trauma with medications instead of using Integrative tools to assure proper healing. Or, we as responsible adults, ignore damage and keep on plowing through the demands of mother or bread winner. So, trauma #1 does not heal ideally, trauma #2 heals poorly as our health habits deteriorate, and trauma #3 is straw broke camels back. Now, we enjoy the chronic pain and the frustrations of facing world that treats chronic pain as second class citizen.
Did you know that the jaw joint gets as damaged in car accident as neck joints do?
Did you know that neck injury creates muscle bracing in chewing system or Jaw area ?
Did you know phone on shoulder or chronic shrugging is repetitive neck injury ?
Did you know grind/clench is repetitive jaw injury?
Did you know that chasing parked cars is repetivitive injury to dog?
Did you know the many sports injuries adds to joint trauma?
Over prolong periods to time, chronic pain causes nerves from sympathetic system (stress-anxiety system) to attach to pain system. So, in chronic pain, stress and anxiety can increase pain levels. Many women with high pain thresholds have met their match w/ relentless chronic pain constantly aggravated by stress and anxiety. Many women think that 1) they lost it, 2) making it up, 3) hypochondractic, 4) wimps, due fact that they are not managing pain as well as they use to be able to handle. This feeling is misguided, they are fighting an new foe.
Tale Of Twin sisters: one with acute pain and the other with chronic pain.
As you have noticed with your own pain, over time, the more anxious you get the more the pain increases; so, you are not crazy. Many women who have managed childbirth, feel they lost their minds, when this chronic pain resist all pills and shots fail to relieve pain and pain keeps increasing with stress. Pain has always caused stress, but now stress is causing pain. it because their friends with acute pain do not see this connection. They feel their friends who have only had acute pain do not understand what they are going through. Beware, most of our physicians or dentist are trained in acute pain and throw acute pain tools at a chronic pain, making woman feel like hypochondriac.
The pain reporting system is increasingly-changing-adapting due repetitive healing difficulties, increasing pain signals, high anxiety-stress stimulating sympathetic system to interconnect to pain system. Increasing pain signals from various structures, and poor healing causes rewiring-recoding-reproduction of neurotransmitters-widen field pain in pain reporting system. The pain system is being overwhelmed by increasing pain inputs from episodic pains (Head-neck-jaw-sinus-allergies), poor healing causing changes in way pain nerves behave, and increasing interconnect to anxiety-stress sympathetic system overwhelms the pain reporting system from multiple sources, ie chronic pain.
The coupling of the anxiety system to pain system is a way the body is ramping up its warning signals to get our attention, especially when we’ve been too busy to pay attention to pain. The protection wiring tries to warn us by increasing the size painful area, increases the pain level from small stimulus, reporting pain from nonpainful sources, and prolongs the pain duration. The protection system tries get your attention; so that, you get motivated to seek healing for the damage, but we continue ignore it. When the sympathetic system (protection) causes rewiring from the stress-anxiety system to pain system, it was in effort to get you motivated. As the pain episodes increase frequency-severity-duration, the prolonged heighten anxiety stimulates the sympathetic system to attach to pain system; thus, anxiety can now stimulate more pain. The body is trying to tell us to look for ways to reduce old pain-new pain-anxiety-poor health habits that has set you up for continuous pain. After the stress system wires to pain system, it takes a lot of team effort to facilitate the dewiring of painful connection. So when pain team keeps working to reduce even low levels pain, it is disconnect all the wires to pain system from anxiety system.
Improve Health habits
Cardiovascular conditioning:
Negative thinking loops:
Trauma: 1) Falls, 2) MVA, 3) Blows, 4) Lacerations. 5) Repetitive impacts
Now, let me get this straight, the pain doctor tells me I have to work on all health habits to enhance my healing abilities at same time I am working on the pains. I don’t have time to even go to the bathroom and he wants me to manage time, money, habits, wants, distractions, barriers, negative thoughts, and health habits. I just want a magic pill, shot, or some sort of quick fix; so, I can get back to my busy and hectic life. The family would fall apart if mommy goes into a pain management. So, what does a strong woman like me do in case like this. It takes time and passion for real healing to occur; so, recruit your family to help. You can repeat the age old wisdom I got from a 3 year old, "if mommy not happy no ones happy". and family will be glad you did. In reality, I am trying to give you hope, but it takes a lot passion over prolonged period to get healing you need. I am not best cheerleader or science teacher or health coach, but you need to research the science of chronic pain before it controls your world. The world did not build an easy road for you and I to follow in chronic pain
We have help thousands, ok, hundreds, my ego comes out to play ever so often. Like Paul in bible, I must trust God to help my patients because my brain, my training, and my skills are not adequate for even the 9 year old patients. Well, they are smarter than you know. We coach our patients to join chronic pain team in order to control their pain and get back their health. Ask around, someone in you neighborhood has chosen to control their pain and get their life back using the chewing system orthopedic team here in Raleigh, NC.
Type | Levels pain | Episodes | Treatment | Fab Four |
Acute | Mild to mod | Infrequent | Single tx | Good health habit |
Chronic | Mod to severe | Frequent-daily | Complex tx | Poor health habit |
Chronic pains (multiple pain areas) requires fertile soil (poor health habits) plus a potent seed (trauma) w/ plenty of water (anxiety).
STORY of Twin Sisters: A) When sister Bula, who has had only short bouts of pain, if you stress her pain does not go up ? B) When Sister Abigil, with neck pain for years, if you stress her, her pain goes up ?
Many women think "they have lost it", "became wimps", "flunkies to motherhood" due fact that many things increase their pain now that use not affect them.
Some women who are angry at drunk driver who stole their health are desperate to hold on anger, but the anger sets off anxiety system that is connected to pain system. Inadverently, sabotage or interfere with Integrative tools to get them better.
SCIENCE OF ANXIETY 1) Autonomic system dysfunction a) sympathetic system: fight or flight, protections system b) parasympathetic system: rest & replenish, 2) When stress/anxiiety is too frequent or too severe a) the sympathetic system overrides parasympathetic system b) Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Balance is disturbed 3)Sympathetic system override: sympathetic system dominance: a) adrenalin production, b) stress hormone, c) tension in muscles
Anxiety increases pain levels:
The four health habits are cardiovascular conditioning, sleep, nutrition, and repetitive thought habits:
Cardiovascular “conditioning” is increasing our activity to a level that strengthens heart and lungs. The cardiovascular conditioning improves tone of your muscles which is important for resistance to trauma damage. Cardio increases energy structures of muscles (mitochrondra) and improves sewer system capabilities (lymphatics). Cardio enhances all organ system to function more efficiently. Cardio improves efficiency of removes toxins or inflammation from muscles better. Cardio balances and increases efficiency all our body functions. Cardio is closest thing to fountain youth.
Sleep includes quality breathing-depth sleep-ideal sleep architecture-production of physiological chemicals-healing tissues-autonomic rebalancing-nerve growth factor. Deep sleep produces more growth hormone. Better breathing oxygenates body for better processing. Proper coordination of all cycles sleep is important for our bodies physiology-biochemistry because the majority of healing occurs and we build our molecules here.
Nutrition provides resources use to build the proteins-cell membranes-hormones-neurotransmitters-immunity (defenses)-run body processes, and nourish fona-flora of gut. The diet is made up of positive chemicals (nutrients-vitamins-trace elements-fiber) and negative chemicals (over use medications) & additions (sugar-salt-caffeine-nicotine-alcohol) & hidden chemical sensitivities (set off inflammation in body) that our body sustains damage from repetitive insults.
Repetitive negative though loops are brain programming used to organize our behaviors for protection. Many of these repetitive though habits are negative such as way we talk to ourselves when we made mistake. I don't know about you but I was cruel to myself with severe cussing or put downs. Many of these guidelines-preprogramming-repetitive emotional memories are from our childhood laid down incorrectly by angry dad, frustrated mom, or over worked care taker. We live our lives going into future in fear of this past programming that does not serve success or happiness. Example, "you stupid idiot" from my childhood only causes me to react to my wife when "I feel" she disrespects me. I use to get quite angry with her without good reason because of hidden emotional trigger from childhood. How are you doing with negative repetitive thoughts? How are they controlling your future, your happiness, your relationships.
Types: 1) MVA 2) Blow 3) Fall 4) Head/Neck Injury
Repetitive traumas force us into healing state at time when our health habits are poor, thus, our healing ability is poor, thus we have accumlative microdamage. The accumulative damage from trauma induced damage that did not heal properly builds until we have prolonged open mouth procedure setting off all this hidden damage. At the time when the accumulative damage no longer sustains proper function in joint muscle system, we go into chronic pain state.
Doctors typically treat the symptoms of trauma with medications instead of using Integrative tools to assure proper healing. Or, we as responsible adults, ignore damage and keep on plowing through the demands of mother or bread winner. So, trauma #1 does not heal ideally, trauma #2 heals poorly as our health habits deteriorate, and trauma #3 is straw broke camels back. Now, we enjoy the chronic pain and the frustrations of facing world that treats chronic pain as second class citizen.
Did you know that the jaw joint gets as damaged in car accident as neck joints do?
Did you know that neck injury creates muscle bracing in chewing system or Jaw area ?
Did you know phone on shoulder or chronic shrugging is repetitive neck injury ?
Did you know grind/clench is repetitive jaw injury?
Did you know that chasing parked cars is repetivitive injury to dog?
Did you know the many sports injuries adds to joint trauma?
Over prolong periods to time, chronic pain causes nerves from sympathetic system (stress-anxiety system) to attach to pain system. So, in chronic pain, stress and anxiety can increase pain levels. Many women with high pain thresholds have met their match w/ relentless chronic pain constantly aggravated by stress and anxiety. Many women think that 1) they lost it, 2) making it up, 3) hypochondractic, 4) wimps, due fact that they are not managing pain as well as they use to be able to handle. This feeling is misguided, they are fighting an new foe.
Tale Of Twin sisters: one with acute pain and the other with chronic pain.
As you have noticed with your own pain, over time, the more anxious you get the more the pain increases; so, you are not crazy. Many women who have managed childbirth, feel they lost their minds, when this chronic pain resist all pills and shots fail to relieve pain and pain keeps increasing with stress. Pain has always caused stress, but now stress is causing pain. it because their friends with acute pain do not see this connection. They feel their friends who have only had acute pain do not understand what they are going through. Beware, most of our physicians or dentist are trained in acute pain and throw acute pain tools at a chronic pain, making woman feel like hypochondriac.
The pain reporting system is increasingly-changing-adapting due repetitive healing difficulties, increasing pain signals, high anxiety-stress stimulating sympathetic system to interconnect to pain system. Increasing pain signals from various structures, and poor healing causes rewiring-recoding-reproduction of neurotransmitters-widen field pain in pain reporting system. The pain system is being overwhelmed by increasing pain inputs from episodic pains (Head-neck-jaw-sinus-allergies), poor healing causing changes in way pain nerves behave, and increasing interconnect to anxiety-stress sympathetic system overwhelms the pain reporting system from multiple sources, ie chronic pain.
The coupling of the anxiety system to pain system is a way the body is ramping up its warning signals to get our attention, especially when we’ve been too busy to pay attention to pain. The protection wiring tries to warn us by increasing the size painful area, increases the pain level from small stimulus, reporting pain from nonpainful sources, and prolongs the pain duration. The protection system tries get your attention; so that, you get motivated to seek healing for the damage, but we continue ignore it. When the sympathetic system (protection) causes rewiring from the stress-anxiety system to pain system, it was in effort to get you motivated. As the pain episodes increase frequency-severity-duration, the prolonged heighten anxiety stimulates the sympathetic system to attach to pain system; thus, anxiety can now stimulate more pain. The body is trying to tell us to look for ways to reduce old pain-new pain-anxiety-poor health habits that has set you up for continuous pain. After the stress system wires to pain system, it takes a lot of team effort to facilitate the dewiring of painful connection. So when pain team keeps working to reduce even low levels pain, it is disconnect all the wires to pain system from anxiety system.
Improve Health habits
Cardiovascular conditioning:
Negative thinking loops:
Trauma: 1) Falls, 2) MVA, 3) Blows, 4) Lacerations. 5) Repetitive impacts
Now, let me get this straight, the pain doctor tells me I have to work on all health habits to enhance my healing abilities at same time I am working on the pains. I don’t have time to even go to the bathroom and he wants me to manage time, money, habits, wants, distractions, barriers, negative thoughts, and health habits. I just want a magic pill, shot, or some sort of quick fix; so, I can get back to my busy and hectic life. The family would fall apart if mommy goes into a pain management. So, what does a strong woman like me do in case like this. It takes time and passion for real healing to occur; so, recruit your family to help. You can repeat the age old wisdom I got from a 3 year old, "if mommy not happy no ones happy". and family will be glad you did. In reality, I am trying to give you hope, but it takes a lot passion over prolonged period to get healing you need. I am not best cheerleader or science teacher or health coach, but you need to research the science of chronic pain before it controls your world. The world did not build an easy road for you and I to follow in chronic pain
We have help thousands, ok, hundreds, my ego comes out to play ever so often. Like Paul in bible, I must trust God to help my patients because my brain, my training, and my skills are not adequate for even the 9 year old patients. Well, they are smarter than you know. We coach our patients to join chronic pain team in order to control their pain and get back their health. Ask around, someone in you neighborhood has chosen to control their pain and get their life back using the chewing system orthopedic team here in Raleigh, NC.
1) Conservaive therapies-soft doet, Advil, hot comp
2) Dental Appliance: soft Biteguards - Hybrids- hard Nightguards…