When your focus is on "the quick fix", you ..... 1) Waste time needed heal 2) Allow Damage increase 3) Waste money you don't have 4) Waste insurance resources you will need 5) Buy 6 pack nightguards 6) Cause a lot frustration If you do not have time or money to do it right 1st time, where will time & money come from when are on 2nd time .
You have been depending on medicine to fix you with drugs, pills, shots, etc for years. How is that working for you? You are now in chronic pain (restricted opening, tension headaches, neck pain) and your health habits are not so good. Can you understand the burden you carry ? We, chewing system orthopedic team, has to work hard on your chronic pain and your poor health habits ? The most important member of team is patient !
A. Need to Enhance chronic pain tools:
B. WILL you accept responsibility
C. Who controls your health care decisions
D. Be Responsible
E. Trust in coaching
For any chance of success on managing chronic pain, the patient must understand&accept their responsibilities to promote maximum healing.
If your negative emotional brain’s message is, “you can’t trust doctor”, then you will sabotage "your" healing
If your programming as child is "your inadequate", you will sabotage your healing.
Accepting responsibility for accuracy of "your" data,
How many times do you give your doctor limited details? Patient is responsible for great detail data, so that doctor can devise proper treatment plan. Cows don't give milk, and patient do not give detail. We asked patients do they have headaches? They say no. Then we ask do you have garden variety-common-tension headaches, they say all my life !!!!
Accepting responsibility means controlling the barriers, the distractions, the excuses, misconceptions; so that, you can control healing.
WARNING: Asking for help for chronic pain? I would think twice before you ask us to coach and teach you in pain management, because you one who has to work hard. Are you prepared ??
Principles Heath Habits:
Changing health habits: Exercise, Negative Thought, Nutrition, Sleep
Progressive improvement: baby steps, positive direction, momentum, passion
Enhances benefit of each chronic pain tools by improving health habits while we reduce pain causes. It is difficult change a bad habit that took years in deterioration.
Anxiety aggravates pain
Difference acute vs chronic
Chronic pain: Story of Atypical Toothache
Team is necessary for Chronic pain: Biofeedback, Physical therapy, Patient, Orofacial pain
Chronic pain Analogy: car out gas on side hill w/ a woman driving, to get the car to top hill and to gas station, we must recruit a team of people, big and burley men, establish momentum, and make progress to get car to top hill.
Chronic pain cannot be manage by latest fad in medicine or dentistry ? 1) in past, it was opioids 2) In todays worl, it is botox.
For patient worried about cost of chewing system orthopedics, the more passionate implementation the less cost
Selecting Best Team
Ask the ladies of orofacial pain team or ask doctor, who does he or members of team go to for chronic pain therapy. Ask who is best physical therapist? In future, it will be therapist who does not accept insurance.
Select chronic pain team:
Who Controls your health care decisions: Your wants, insurance company, spouse, children, lack trust, world brain washing, desire quick fix, negativity, not deserving programming, not adequate programming
Take back control over “your” health care decisions
Warning: Unlike acute pain, there is no quick fix for chronic pain.
Barriers Care:
Goal Setting: What do you want…What is success…Spending money wisely...pain reduction
Harvard study: the graduates in 1970’s who set goals and wrote them down were most successful:
Investment in GETTING BETTER:
Investment in SELF WORTH:
Investment in TIME:
QUALITY Health Care: Direct Pay Benefits; Fee-for-Service
When your focus is on "the quick fix", you ..... 1) Waste time needed heal 2) Allow Damage increase 3) Waste money you don't have 4) Waste insurance resources you will need 5) Buy 6 pack nightguards 6) Cause a lot frustration If you do not have time or money to do it right 1st time, where will time & money come from when are on 2nd time .
You have been depending on medicine to fix you with drugs, pills, shots, etc for years. How is that working for you? You are now in chronic pain (restricted opening, tension headaches, neck pain) and your health habits are not so good. Can you understand the burden you carry ? We, chewing system orthopedic team, has to work hard on your chronic pain and your poor health habits ? The most important member of team is patient !
A. Need to Enhance chronic pain tools:
B. WILL you accept responsibility
C. Who controls your health care decisions
D. Be Responsible
E. Trust in coaching
For any chance of success on managing chronic pain, the patient must understand&accept their responsibilities to promote maximum healing.
If your negative emotional brain’s message is, “you can’t trust doctor”, then you will sabotage "your" healing
If your programming as child is "your inadequate", you will sabotage your healing.
Accepting responsibility for accuracy of "your" data,
How many times do you give your doctor limited details? Patient is responsible for great detail data, so that doctor can devise proper treatment plan. Cows don't give milk, and patient do not give detail. We asked patients do they have headaches? They say no. Then we ask do you have garden variety-common-tension headaches, they say all my life !!!!
Accepting responsibility means controlling the barriers, the distractions, the excuses, misconceptions; so that, you can control healing.
WARNING: Asking for help for chronic pain? I would think twice before you ask us to coach and teach you in pain management, because you one who has to work hard. Are you prepared ??
Principles Heath Habits:
Changing health habits: Exercise, Negative Thought, Nutrition, Sleep
Progressive improvement: baby steps, positive direction, momentum, passion
Enhances benefit of each chronic pain tools by improving health habits while we reduce pain causes. It is difficult change a bad habit that took years in deterioration.
Anxiety aggravates pain
Difference acute vs chronic
Chronic pain: Story of Atypical Toothache
Team is necessary for Chronic pain: Biofeedback, Physical therapy, Patient, Orofacial pain
Chronic pain Analogy: car out gas on side hill w/ a woman driving, to get the car to top hill and to gas station, we must recruit a team of people, big and burley men, establish momentum, and make progress to get car to top hill.
Chronic pain cannot be manage by latest fad in medicine or dentistry ? 1) in past, it was opioids 2) In todays worl, it is botox.
For patient worried about cost of chewing system orthopedics, the more passionate implementation the less cost
Selecting Best Team
Ask the ladies of orofacial pain team or ask doctor, who does he or members of team go to for chronic pain therapy. Ask who is best physical therapist? In future, it will be therapist who does not accept insurance.
Select chronic pain team:
Who Controls your health care decisions: Your wants, insurance company, spouse, children, lack trust, world brain washing, desire quick fix, negativity, not deserving programming, not adequate programming
Take back control over “your” health care decisions
Warning: Unlike acute pain, there is no quick fix for chronic pain.
Barriers Care:
Goal Setting: What do you want…What is success…Spending money wisely...pain reduction
Harvard study: the graduates in 1970’s who set goals and wrote them down were most successful:
Investment in GETTING BETTER:
Investment in SELF WORTH:
Investment in TIME:
QUALITY Health Care: Direct Pay Benefits; Fee-for-Service
1). Parafunction is strongest risk factor
2) Tension muscles is slow insidious factor